Workshops and Conferences

Quantum researchers within quantA may apply for funding for the organization of workshops and conferences in Austria, aligned with quantA’s research areas.

Support of up to 100€ per participant is possible. The maximum amount that can be requested is 7500€.


Requirements for Application: 

  • At least one event organizer must be a quantum researcher at one of the six partner institutions of quant. List the name and contact details of the organizers in your application. 
  • The event must take place in Austria and engage the Austrian quantum community. It must address at least one of the three core questions within quant ’s research areas
  • The application needs to clearly describe the relevance for quant and the impact the event has on the quant community. 
  • If support is granted, the organizers must acknowledge quant on the event website and the event program as defined by quant
  • A short report, containing important information (costs, activities, number of participants, contents etc.) about the event and its outcomes has to be sent to no later than two weeks after the event takes place. QuantA will provide a template for the report. 
  • The applicants need to consent to the publication of the report by quant and to provide any further supporting documents (such as invoices, receipts, attendance records etc.) should quant ask for them. 



The organizers must submit an application form to the Board of Directors via at least ten weeks before the event is scheduled to take place. 

  • The Board of Directors will consider the application within the next four weeks and will inform the organizers of the outcome. 
  • If support is granted, the scientific manager will coordinate with the organizers to reimburse expenses for the event and about reporting requirements. 
  • Support is subject to the availability of funds and cannot be guaranteed.