
About quantA


quant focuses on the most outstanding questions in three research areas:

  • the Quantum Nature of Space, Time, and Gravity (STG)
  • the quest for New Paradigms for Quantum Information Science (QIS)
  • the Physics of Engineered Quantum Many-Body Systems (MBS)

quant´s vision is to obtain breakthrough insights that might alter the view of what we know today about the quantum world. Regarding STG we want to shed light on the all-important relation between quantum physics and the fabric of space-time. In QIS we will use quantum information concepts to tackle three of the biggest challenges, the optimal use of quantum and classical resources, their cross-fertilization in hybrid systems, and the efficient classical description and simulation of multipartite quantum systems. Finally, in MBS we will develop unprecedented quantum simulators to address ambitious questions such as universality in non-equilibrium physics and emergent many-body phenomena.

From the tightly-knit Austrian quantum community quant assembles a team of quantum scientists that is ready to take on bigger, more challenging questions than any of us could answer through regular programs and funding. With the University of Innsbruck (UIBK) leading a consortium that includes the Institute of Science and Techcnology Austria (ISTA), the Johannes-Kepler-University of Linz (JKU), the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OEAW), the Vienna University of Technology (TUW), and the University of Vienna (UNIVIE), quant pursues an ambitious research program that steps outside the standard realm of quantum science and combines our unparalleled diversity of experimental and theoretical approaches under one roof. This is what distinguishes quant from other centers and initiatives around the world. Through this innovative research program, quant will become a worldwide recognized Cluster of Excellence, which will consolidate and extend the leading role of Austrian quantum science. It will excel in research, training and opportunities for young scientists, and run an engaging outreach and transfer program for the benefit of the society and the economy. 

Board of Directors and Administrative Staff
Gregor Weihs
Gregor Weihs
Director of Research
Universität Innsbruck
Markus Aspelmeyer
Markus Aspelmeyer
Universität Wien
Francesca Ferlaino
Francesca Ferlaino
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Johannes Fink
Johannes Fink
IST Austria
Tracy Northup
Tracy Northup
Universität Innsbruck
Hannes Pichler
Hannes Pichler
Universität Innsbruck
Armando Rastelli
Armando Rastelli
Universität Linz
Hannes-Jörg Schmiedmayer
Hannes-Jörg Schmiedmayer
Technische Universität Wien
Marion Wieser
Marion Wieser
Scientific Manager
Universität Innsbruck
Michaela Eder-Jahn
Michaela Eder-Jahn
Communication & Transfer Officer
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
quantA – Quantum Science Austria
University of Innsbruck
Laborgebaeude Nord
Technikerstrasse 25d
6020 Innsbruck | Austria

quantA PIs

Get to know PIs from the quantA community at our various institutions:

Abele, Hartmut | TU Wien | www.oeaw.ac.at/esq/home/esq-faculty/hartmut-abele

Alpichshev, Zhanybek | ISTA | ist.ac.at/en/research/alpichshev-group/

Andergassen, Sabine | TU Wien | informatics.tuwien.ac.at/people/sabine-andergassen

Arndt, Markus | UNIVIE | www.quantumnano.at

Aspelmeyer, Markus | UNIVIE | aspelmeyer.quantum.at

Baranov, Mikhail | UIBK | www.oeaw.ac.at/esq/home/esq-faculty/mikhail-baranov

Baykusheva, Denitsa | ISTA | ist.ac.at/en/research/baykusheva-group/

Bisset, Russell | UIBK | www.uibk.ac.at/exphys/ultracold-theory/

Blatt, Rainer | UIBK | www.quantumoptics.at/en/

Bonanni, Alberta | JKU | www.jku.at/en/institute-of-semiconductor-and-solid-state-physics/research-divisions/solid-state-physics-division/research-groups/qmag/members/professor-bonanni/

Brehm, Moritz | JKU | www.jku.at/en/institute-of-semiconductor-and-solid-state-physics/research-divisions/semiconductor-physics-division/team/brehm/   

Brezinova, Iva | TU Wien | www.tuwien.at/en/phy/itp/research/complex-systems/dynamics-of-many-body-systems

Briegel, Hans J. | UIBK | www.uibk.ac.at/th-physik/staff/briegel/

Brukner, Caslav | UNIVIE | www.quantumfoundations.org

Bühler-Paschen, Silke | TU Wien | www.ifp.tuwien.ac.at/paschen

Dakic, Borivoje | UNIVIE | https://dakic.univie.ac.at/

Deutschmann-Olek, Andreas | TU Wien | https://www.acin.tuwien.ac.at/staff/ad/

Dür, Wolfgang | UIBK | www.uibk.ac.at/th-physik/qic-group/

Ferlaino, Francesca | UIBK/ÖAW | www.erbium.at/FF/

Fink, Johannes | ISTA | quantumids.com

Fromherz, Thomas | JKU | www.jku.at/en/institute-of-semiconductor-and-solid-state-physics/research-divisions/semiconductor-physics-division/team/fromherz/

Gonzalez-Ballestero, Carlos | TU Wien | www.gonzalezballesterogroup.com

Grimm, Rudolf | UIBK/ÖAW | ultracold.at/grimm/

Hasegawa, Yuji | TU Wien | www.neutroninterferometry.com

Haslinger, Philipp | TU Wien | www.haslingerlab.com

Hiesmayr, Beatrix | UNIVIE | quantumparticle.univie.ac.at

Hosten, Onur | ISTA | ist.ac.at/en/research/hosten-group/

Huber, Marcus | TU Wien | www.quitphysics.info

Juffmann, Thomas | UNIVIE | imaging.univie.ac.at

Katsaros, Georgios | ISTA | ist.ac.at/en/research/katsaros-group/

Kiesel, Nikolai | UNIVIE | kiesel.univie.ac.at

Kirchmair, Gerhard | UIBK/ÖAW              | iqoqi.at/_groups/en/group-page-kirchmair

Kugi, Andreas | TU Wien | www.acin.tuwien.ac.at/en/staff/aku/

Küng, Richard | JKU Linz | iic.jku.at/team/kueng/

Langen, Tim | TU Wien | www.coldmolecules.eu

Lanyon, Benjamin | UIBK | quantumoptics.at/en/research/photon-conversion.html

Lechner, Wolfgang | UIBK | www.uibk.ac.at/th-physik/quantum-optimization/

Lemeshko, Mikhail | ISTA | lemeshko.ist.ac.at

Leonard, Julian | TU Wien | www.quantuminfo.at

Modic, Kimberly | ISTA | ist.ac.at/en/research/modic-group/

Monz, Thomas | UIBK | quantumoptics.at/en/

Müller, Markus | OEAW | www.iqoqi-vienna.at/research/mueller-group/

Nägerl, Hanns-Christoph | UIBK | quantummatter.at

Navascuez, Miguel | OEAW | www.iqoqi-vienna.at/people/staff/miguel-navascues

Northup, Tracy | UIBK | www.uibk.ac.at/exphys/quantum-interfaces/

Nunnenkamp, Andreas | UNIVIE | nunnenkamp.univie.ac.at

Pichler, Hannes | UIBK | iqoqi.at/en/people/workgroup-staff/pichler-gruppe

Pohl, Thomas | TU Wien | www.tuwien.at/en/phy/itp/pohlgroup/people

Polshyn, Hryhoriy | ISTA | ista.ac.at/en/research/polshyn-group/

Rastelli, Armando | JKU | www.jku.at/hfp/RastelliGroup

Ringbauer, Martin | UIBK | quantumoptics.at/en/

Ritsch, Helmut | UIBK | www.uibk.ac.at/th-physik/cqed/

Roos, Christian | UIBK | quantumoptics.at/en/

Rotter, Stefan | TU Wien | rottergroup.itp.tuwien.ac.at

Schell, Andreas | JKU | www.jku.at/en/institute-of-semiconductor-and-solid-state-physics/research-divisions/semiconductor-physics-division/team/schell/

Schindler, Philipp | UIBK | quantumoptics.at/en/

Schmiedmayer, Jörg | TU Wien | atomchip.org

Schuch, Norbert | UNIVIE | schuch.univie.ac.at

Schumm, Thorsten | TU Wien | www.tuwien.at/phy/ati

Serbyn, Maksym | ISTA | ist.ac.at/en/research/serbyn-group/

Springholz, Gunther | JKU | www.jku.at/en/institute-of-semiconductor-and-solid-state-physics/research-divisions/semiconductor-physics-division/team/springholz/

Unterrainer, Karl | TU Wien | www.thzlabs.org

Walther, Philip | UNIVIE | walther.univie.ac.at

Weihs, Gregor | UIBK | www.uibk.ac.at/exphys/photonik/

Wester, Roland | UIBK | www.uibk.ac.at/ionen-angewandte-physik/molsyst/index.html.de

Zeilinger, Anton | OEAW | www.iqoqi-vienna.at/research/zeilinger-group/

Zoller, Peter | UIBK | www.uibk.ac.at/sp-physik/research-groups/p_zoller.html.en