Joint VCQ & quantA PhD Call Fall 2024

VCQ is now part of the QuantA Cluster of Excellence and therefore this call is also open for positions at the University of Innsbruck and the Johannes Kepler University Linz. You can apply for all PIs listed on the bottom of this page. Check their websites. In the application form you are asked to choose 3 of those as your preferred research groups.

Call is closed

  • Complete and submit the online APPLICATION FORM
  • set up an application ID
  • get 2 Academic Supervisors to submit Recommendation letters via the RECOMMENDATION FORM using your application ID

A pre-selection process by the faculty members will be based on the online applications. Only complete applications (including two recommendation letters) will be considered. Pre-selected candidates will be invited for a hearing.

The hearings will be held in February 2025 via Zoom.

Hartmut Abele (TU Wien) – Neutron and Quantum Physics

Časlav Brukner (University of Vienna, ÖAW) Quantum Foundations and Quantum Information Theory

Johannes Fink (ISTA) – Quantum Integrated Devices

Yuji Hasegawa (TU Wien) – Neutron and Quantum Physics

Philipp Haslinger (TU Wien) – Atom Interferometry

Julian Leonard (TU Wien) – Experimental Quantum Information

Jörg Schmiedmayer (TU Wien) – Quantum Many Body physics and Atom Chips

Maksym Serbyn (ISTA) – Condensed Matter Theory and Qauntum Dynamics

Sarah Bayer-Skoff (TU Wien) – Solid-state quantum optics and nanophotonics

Philipp Walther (University of Vienna) – Quantum Information Sciences and Quantum Computation

Anton Zeilinger (University of Vienna, ÖAW) – Quantum Information and Foundations of Physics

Francesca Ferlaino (University of Innsbruck, ÖAW) –

Andreas Schell (JKU Linz) – Institute of Semiconductor and Solid State Physics

Philipp Schindler (University of Innsbruck) – AG Quantum Optics and Spectroscopy

Please be aware that as of now ALL VDS applications for any quantum group has to go through the VCQ path as described here. So please submit your application via this application form.

If your application is successfull and you will become part of a Quantum group at the University of Vienna, you will automatically be a member of VDSP. If you have any questions regarding this please do not hesitate to contact us on: