quantA Fellows

quantA Fellows are expected to contribute their own ideas and thus they will extend the Research Unit beyond what is foreseen by our objectives, but always in the general scope of fundamental quantum science. 

Fellowship Call – Bringing in New Talent

Call opens:      June 20, 2024

Call closes:      August 30, 2024, 23:59

Submission:    via e-mail as a single pdf document to quantA@uibk.ac.at

Quantum Science Austria (quantA) is a Cluster of Excellence (CoE) funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and six partner institutions throughout Austria. It has a framework research program, which is implemented through a number of CoE-internal programs. One main implementation component is the Quantum Science Austria Fellowship Program.

The quantA Fellowship Program has the primary objective of developing the careers of young researchers who, at the same time, contribute to the CoE research program in a most innovative way. For the Fellowship Program, quantA is looking for the most creative minds, whose ideas fit into the scope of the research program of the cluster of excellence. It is thus important that applicants submit a research statement that has significant overlap with at least one of the three research areas:  

  • Quantum Nature of Space, Time, and Gravity (STG)
  • New Paradigms for Quantum Information Science (QIS)
  • Physics of Engineered Quantum Many-Body Systems (MBS)

For more information see https://www.quantumscience.at/research/research-areas  

Candidates will work with their host of choice from among the quantA researchers with a permanent position at one of the participating institutions (see PI list here https://www.quantumscience.at/about). The duration of a postdoctoral Fellowship is at most two years. The program is not intended for long-term, indefinite, or career appointments.

In addition to their salary, Fellows will be eligible to spend up to € 10.000 per year on any legitimate research expense subject to the rules of the FWF, the consortium agreement, and the hosting partner institution.

Fellowships resulting from this call need to begin by June 30, 2025 at the latest. At this point the applicant needs to hold a PhD degree.

The quantA Fellowship Program is open to researchers of all nationalities, gender, race and religion. They must have an outstanding research track record in quantum science and technology. Applicants must either have received their PhD within the past three years or their graduation must be imminent. In the latter case, this must be confirmed in writing by a supervisor.

Potential applicants that have taken up a research appointment in one of the quantA regions (Innsbruck, Linz, and Vienna regions) before March 1st, 2024 are not eligible for a fellowship in the same region.

Eligible applicants may apply for a Discovery Project and the quantA Fellowship, but can only recieve either one.

Important: Prospective applicants need to coordinate with a local host, i.e. a quantum researcher with a permanent position at one of the participating institutions. Costs and additional information

Any positions will be funded at FWF or KV salary levels (whichever applies). Postdoc positions are for 40 h/week. Note that purchases of major equipment are not foreseen from FWF funds.

Combined into a single pdf file please submit

  • Motivation letter (max. 1 page)
  • Research statement (max. 1 page)
  • Statement by local host in support of the application (max. 1 page)
  • CV (max. 1 page)
  • Full list of publications (with hyperlinked DOIs) and presentations

Two letters of recommendation to be sent directly via email to quantA@uibk.ac.at

Those proposals that are formally correct (formal criteria fulfilled, within the scope of the COE, proposer is eligible, duration and budget appropriate) will be sent out to external experts for review who will be asked to give points according to a set of criteria and to write reviews. A ranking will be established based on these points and reviews. The Board of Directors may then invite ranked candidates for an in-person or online hearing, where applicants present their research results and their ideas for future research. Criteria for the ranking will be excellence and scientific matching with the research program of quantA. The Board of Directors (BoD) will then make the final decision to offer positions to the best-ranked applicants, subject to the available funding.

Fellowships can start immediately after positive decision, but no later than June 30, 2025.

For questions, please refer to the Board of Directors member of your institution, host institution or to quantA@uibk.ac.at:

Gregor Weihs | UIBK

Johannes Fink | ISTA

Armando Rastelli | JKU Linz

Markus Aspelmeyer | UNIVIE

Francesca Ferlaino | ÖAW

Jörg Schmiedmayer | TU Wien